Thursday 13 January 2011

Building on must use the right bricks

Building Regulations not required to build on Mars

Scientists are developing bricks designed to withstand cosmic radiation in the event that people are able to colonise Mars.
The research could also have applications on Earth, such as use in shields around nuclear reactors.
The bricks would be made by mixing the chemical polyethylene, which would be transported from Earth, with the reddish topsoil of Mars.
The first missions to land astronauts on the Red Planet are expected to take place between 2020 and 2025.
Health concerns
Because of the different orbits of Earth and Mars, it is only really possible to travel between the two planets once every two years. So any astronauts visiting Mars might have to stay for a long time.
But living on Mars for an extended period of time raises a number of health concerns.
Unlike the Earth, Mars does not have a magnetic field to deflect cosmic radiation.
Therefore, anyone living on Mars would have to take measures to shield themselves from potentially damaging rays.

story from BBC News

Photo taken from NASA probe, have they found life on Mars? 

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